Spent most of the day wrestling with a permit for a city business license. Unlike the state license (well, exemption from a license, since I don't think I'll make enough money to qualify for a license), which took five minutes to do online, the city license requires a crazy number of forms. These are as follows:
1. A notarized form filed with the County office declaring my business name (Frostsprite Designs, as you will surely be surprised to learn)
2. A form saying that I do not need to have worker's compensation insurance (and wouldn't it just be a lot less effort to not have that form required at all if you don't need worker's comp)
3. A form saying that, yes, I'm pretty sure my apartment qualifies as the sort of place you can run a home business from
4. Another form with my name, business intentions, etc., which is what I naively thought, before I fell into this scorpion pit, would be the only sort of form required.
5. A form with a drawing of the layout of my apartment, indicating areas where I do business stuff, with the parcel number of the dwelling at the bottom. The man at the surveyor's office sounded vaguely annoyed and suspicious when I called to find out what the number was, and indicated that he found it unusual for people to need this for an apartment building. Worrisome? Perhaps.
6. Proof of my state business license, which is troublesome because they gave me a number but not a form. Still have not heard back from the city's office on what I'm supposed to do with that.
But on to more exciting things (I know, what can be more exciting than bureaucracy, am I right?)! I'd already decided to learn to make cards and magnets from my older prints, but today, after listening to me moan for awhile about the veritable gauntlet city business licenses present, the office supply store not carrying any of the papers I wanted to try (or a heavy enough paper cutter, or magnet strips, or anything I wanted except a stapler...), and my uncertainty about selling any of my art, my friend suggested that I draw pin-up fairies (he is a fan of both pin-ups and fairies, and a HUGE fan of pin-ups that
are fairies) and put
them on magnets.
Well. It's better than even the best idea I had today (which was to lie down and not stand up again, no, not even if the cat comes and stands on me and squeaks for dinner--yes, it was that kind of day), but starting has been harder than I expected. Finally I asked another friend what sort of fairy I should draw and was told, "A frost sprite!"
She is extremely cheeky.
So, now I'm looking at photo references of frost for ideas. We'll see how this goes.