Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not awesome

I used to draw fairies when I was little, and it's funny that even then I was pretty much convinced that fairies just standing around isn't really interesting enough. Why, then, did I think I'd be much more interested in fairies doing nothing but striking glam poses (which I suppose is marginally more interesting than just standing there looking blank, but not actually interesting as such)?
I give you Exhibit A.

(all the writing and color splotches are notes to myself about opacity and brush size for the layers, and what color I was mostly using)
This is about as far as I got before I decided that this was too boring for words. Not having drawn fairies in years, I'm glad I started this to give me an idea of what frost fairies would look like, but I think it's time to up the ante and start over on something that's actually worth looking at.

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