After a (three or maybe five mile, we really aren't sure how far we went) really long hike, a shower, and some pie (oh, delicious pie, I love you so), the great work has begun! I started work on a picture of frost fairies. I couldn't decide if I wanted to do a male or a female (hey, fairies can be guys too...assuming fairies require two genders to reproduce, which, admittedly, is a bit of jump for mythical creatures that presumably use magic [for flying, at the very least, given their tiny wing-to-body ratio]), so I decided to do both. Behold the first step of the process: the sketch and preliminary palette.

It's pretty hard to tell (or so I'm told), but the one on the left is the dude. I figured fairies probably aren't too butch. Butch doesn't seem very aerodynamic.
XD I imagine butch is not very aerodynamic at all, no. I really like the sketch. :D