Good news! I picked up prints today of some of my older pieces, and they are very pretty! The printing place does really nice work.
Going to post small scans here because I'm so excited. They're not as nice as the prints themselves, but what can ya do?

Haven't been able to work on my fairy drawings in a few days, which is sad because I got inspired by the weekly prompt over on Illustration Friday (this week's prompt is "early"). The last two days have eaten my soul.
To get a business license in this city, I need to include with my application proof that I have registered my business with the state. I have already registered with the state, so no problem, right?
If you don't think you'll make above a certain amount of money (I think the likelihood of my success is pretty slim, so I'm in this category), you don't actually need a state license, you just need to register with the state that you're exempt. However, the state doesn't issue verifications of exemption, apparently, and there is nowhere on the secretary of state's site that I can find to print this out. I spent 15 minutes holding with a city receptionist to verify that not only do I need some sort of proof that the state says I'm exempt from registration (which is itself a type of registration...), the city cannot tell me how to get it. So after waiting half an hour (those who know me will suspect exaggeration here, but actually I'm playing it safe; it was half an hour of waiting after I decided to start timing it like 10 or so minutes in) on hold, a state employee was able to tell me that 1) The state does not issue proof of exemption, no matter how required it is by the city, 2) The state website should totally have a button there that allows me to print my exemption status (she was not able to tell me where this magical button is), 3) I should not be angry at her for calling me "ma'am," despite me asking her twice to stop that because (despite all the silly chatter about fairies I do on this blog), I in fact am a dude, and 4) I should not be upset with her because it's completely unreasonable of me to expect that she can assist me with state business license-related problems (I had called the state's business license-related number).
Depressing true government stereotypes are depressing.
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